Company: Scripta srl
Country: ITALY
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Olympic Games
Year pf production: 2011
Director: Raffaele Verzillo
Editing: Valentina Mariani
Photography: Blasco Giurato
Soundtrack: Stefano Mainetti
Actors: Domenico Fortunato, Jordi MollĂ , Giulia Bevilacqua
Producer: Scripta srl, Rai Cinema spa
CoProducer: Sorgente Group spa
Time: 95 min
Screening: Saturday 8th Dcember 6.25 pm Sala Colonne






What is a priest willing to do to spread the world of God? An ex-champion to do to redeem himself from terrible failure in the past? A father to show his son he loves him? A man to save a friend? Agree to crazy undertaking. Work on a visionary project. Create the Vatican City National Team and participate in the 2012 Olympic Games in London.