Company: Tencent
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Go Chess
Year: 2018
Director: Zhou Hao
Editing: Liu Xin, Yu Xiaochuan
Actors: Liu Yongsheng, Ma Bo, Tang Shanmin, Yao Xing
Photo: Wang Xun
Soundtrack: Fan Liming
Producer: Zhou Hao
Time: 41 min




Go is known as the most complicated game in the world. Being a top player often requires extraordinary talent and years of unremitting efforts. At the beginning of 2017, Tencent launched the AI Go software “Fine Art”, which defeated the top Internet players in the world. It is the journey of “Fine Art” participating in the Japan UEC Computer Go World Cup with in-depth interviews with world’s top Go players including Masaki Takemiya,Otake Hideo,Ke Jie, and Gu Li. Professional Go players could be the first to experience the overwhelming impact of AI on human lives. Their situation today leads us to thinking about the relationship between AI and humans in the future.