Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2016

Director: Francesco Marino

Editing: Davide Mazzan

Photography: Guido Cravero

Producer: Realizzazione TGR Piemonte

Time: 50 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 17.30 – Sala Colonne

Watch the trailer


May 16, 1976. It was an unforgettable Sunday for Turin’s supporters: twenty-seven years after Valentino Mazzola and his teammates’ last championship, Torino Football Team celebrated his seventh title, beating Juventus in a last sprint. The victory of the League came after an amazing comeback in a sunny Sunday that coloured the entire city of garnet: the celebration of seventy thousand Maroons went through the Stadium Comunale, Stadium Filadelfia and Superga Hill, along that path of memories and pride so dear to Turin’s fans. A joyous Sunday that interrupted the daily rhythm of a fraught and pitiless May. In Turin the maxi – process to Br is celebrated, taking place in a city divided into factories and labor movement.  Claudio Sala, Massimo Gramellini, Giancarlo Caselli, Davide “Boosta” Dileo of Subsonica, Mauro Berruto, Oskar Giammarinaro of Statuto, Tilly Romero and Dario Castelletti told about that unforgettable Sunday for Turin’s supporters, thanks to Nicola Posa’s unknown and, for the first time, color images, a thirty-years old man who decided to shoot every second of that day with his Super8 camera.