Company: China Beijing TV Station Documentary  Channel

Country: P.R. OF CHINA


Discipline: Skiing

Year: 2016

Director: Yan Wei

Editing: Yan Wei, Xue Long

Photography: Yu Yuebo, Fredi Michel, Yan Wei, Song Shuyao, Li Chunlei,

Soundtrack: Yan Wei

Voice Off: Peng Linhai

Producer: Zhang Jie

Time  : 27 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 15.00 – Sala Mostre

Watch the trailer


Majorities of elderly aged around 70 spend the rest of their life at home, having fun with their grandsons or granddaughters. However, the 74-yeasr-old Thomas Li and the 75-years-old Olivia Chen are still skiing on the Alps. Switzerland is the place  where they fall in love with skiing. However, now they have decided to return to China and devote the rest of their life to the development of Chinese public skiing industry and the skiing exercise. We follow the couples to Switzerland, half a century later, in an effort to give back memory to their life stories related to Switzerland and skiing and display the great experience and irresistible charm of skiing.