Company: Moving Adventures Medien GmbH
Country: GERMANY
Discipline: Climbing
Year: 2012
Director: Corey Rich
Editiong: Niko Jäger, Max Fey
Photography: Corey Rich
Soundtrack: Joasihno “A Secret Eye”
Actors: David Lama, Peter Ortner, Corey Rich
Producer: Mammut, European Outdoor Filmtour (E.O.F.T) and Josh Dick, Corey Rich Productions
Time: 9 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 10:20 pm – Sala Donzelli









For many years, the Austrian David Lama has dominated the field of International climbing. It’s time he raises the level once again. In July 2012 he set out, with climbing partner Peter Ortner to face the Nameless Tower, part of the Trango Towers in the Karakorum mountain range, in a remote region of Pakistan. Together they attempt a free climb of the Eternal Flame route, one of the most notoriously challenging routes in the climbing world, made famous in 2009 by renowned German climbers The Huber brothers. At 6000 metres conditions are extreme, it‘s bitterly cold, and in the height of summer the snow doesn‘t melt. With minimal gear, they begin their summit bid accompanied by climber and cameraman Corey Rich who captures an insight into David‘s climbing progression. With additional sweeping shots from Remo Masina piloting a radio control Dedicam results in unique captivating panoramic views from the huge Pakastani mountain range.