Company: Groox Sportfilm
Country: AUSTRIA
Discipline: Handbike
Year of production: 2015
Director: Florian Kreis
Editing: Florian Kreis
Actors: Manfred Putz
Soundtrack: Stock
Producer: Jürgen Gruber
Time: 15 min


Manfred Putz, extreme athlete in handbike cycling, is ready for the non-stop crossing of the Atacama Desert in Chile. On a hot morning in spring the tour starts in Arica heading towards Copiapo. The route along the Panamerica, one of the most dangerous roads in the world, leads across the entire Atacama Desert, which is known as the driest in the world. On the 1,275 kilometres with around 10,000 metres of altitude difference, extreme hot days, temperatures below 0 degree during the nights, complete isolation and gale-force sandstorms will be the most dangerous enemies. A crew of five accompanies and supports Putz on this torturous tour that should last 72 hours. The aim is to accomplish more than 1,000 kilometres non-stop under completely different conditions and to show people that in every condition you can achieve seemingly impossible things.