Company: A Team Productions Bvba
Country: BELGIUM
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Soccer
Year of production: 2015
Director: Sahim Omar Kalifa
Editing: Pieter Jan Bergmans
Actors: Ali Raad Al Zaidawy, Noor Al-Hoda, Hayder Helo
Photography: Robrecht Heyvaert
Soundtrack: Hannes De Maeyer
Producer: Hendrik Verthé, Kobe Van Steenberghe
Time: 15 min
Iraq, 2009. Little Hamoudi, 10, is obsessed by football. He and his friend are eagerly awaiting the final of the Champions League between FC Barcelona and Manchester United, the big face-off between Messi and Ronaldo. But then, the TV breaks down…Sport becames tragic and condemnation.