Company: Walking on Water
Country: USA
Discipline: Surf
Year of production: 2013/2014
Director: Bruno Lemos, Bryan Jennings
Editing: Nathan Apffel
Actors: Derek Rabelo, Kelly Slater, Bethany Hamilton, Rob Machado, Bryan Jennings
Photography: Nathan Apffel
Soundtrack: Tim Hosman (music composer). Custom songs by Dominc Balli, Tim Timmons, Jadon Lavik and others
Producer: Bruno Lemos, Bryan Jennings, Faith Fay
Time: 84 min


Amidst the small beautiful city of Guarapari, Brazil, Derek Rebelo’s father prayed that his son would become a famous professional surfer. Unfortunately on May 25th 1992, his prayer seemed unanswered when Derek was born blind. Seventeen years later Derek decided that, despite his blindness, he still wanted to surf and that he wanted to surf Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu. Through the encouragement of his parents, best friend and surf coach, Derek embarked on a three-year journey of grueling mental, physical and spiritual training. As Derek perseveres towards his goal, he inspires the best pro-surfers in the world including Kelly Slater, Damien Hobgood, Rob Machado, Lakey Peterson, Taj Burrow and Laird Hamilton.