Company: CCTV5 China Cental Television Channel 5
Country: P. R. of CHINA
Discipline: Sailing
Year: 2013
Director: Guo Moyang
Editiong: Guo Moyang, Song Tao, Feng Xu
Photography: Zhao Wei, Wang Zengpei, Li Yang, Yang Anhao
Soundtrack: Guo Moyang
Producer: Zeng Xuesong
Time: 35 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 6:50 pm – Sala Donzelli



A 48-year-old Chinese man realised his sailing dream. Guo Chuan completed a solo, non-stop voyage, circumnavigating the world in 137 days becoming the first man in history to achieve in the aim in a Class 40 boat. Finishing the Round-the-World Volto Ocean Race and single-handedly crossing Atlantic Ocean gave Guo Chuan a heightened sense of spirituality, while the experience and skills he acquired took him all the way from the start of the voyage through the finish line. Guo suffered hardship and loneliness during his solo circumnavigation of the world, but he accomplished the extreme challenge thanks to his faith and determination without boundaries.