Company: Yi Xiang Media Co. Ltd.
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Skiing
Year: 2018
Director: Feng Ji
Editing: Liu Yang
Actors: Gu Ailing
Photos: Wang lu, Chen Chunshi,  Wang Longsheng
Soundtrack: Bei Jing Music In Eyes Culture Communication Company Limited
Voice Off: Wu Jiang
Producer: Feng Ji
CoProducer: Liu Ying
Time: 25 min




Eileen Gu is a Chinese and American hybrid. Because of her mother Eileen began to ski when she was three. She participated the US Youth competitions from nine. So far, Eileen has already conquered over forty gold medals. Now Eileen is 13 and qualified to participate to her first adult competition in the Salt Lake City. So what challenges will she meet? How can she deal with?