Company: EyeOpening. Media GmbH
Country: GERMANY

Discipline: Olympic disciplines
Year: 2017
Director: Hajo Seppelt
Editing: Ramsey Diaz, Daniel Castro, Nina Meindl, Hans-Jürgen Büsch, Peter Klum, Till Ufer
Soundtrack: Sound design: Ramesey Diaz; Sound mixing: Markus Glunz
Voice Off: Erik Hansen
Producer: Ulf Ullrich
CoProducer: Massud Abedi
Time: 27 min 


It came as a shock for the sporting world shortly before the Olympic Games. The doping control system at the Winter Games in Pyeongchang had loopholes. Exclusive research by ARD’s editorial team on doping showed that it was possible to open sample containers. It was a scandal that shook the Olympic Movement shortly before the Opening Ceremony in South Korea. It was possible to manipulate the doping control system and to open sample containers without leaving traces.