Company: Florida State University

Country: USA


Discipline: Skimboarding

Year: 2015

Director: Gabe Souza

Editing: Gabe Souza

Actors: Robbie Morris, Dylan Stossel, RJ Verneia, Vincent Miuccio

Photography: Stephen Bond

Soundtrack: KillerTracks

Producer: Gabe Souza

Time: 8 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 21.45 – Sala Colonne

Watch the trailer


Despite skimboarding was born in the 1960s, it has yet to be globally seen as a serious and competitive sports discipline. From dropping a board on the shore of the beach to sliding out, wrapping a wave, and riding it as if you were surfing, this sports discipline is growing drastically and developing intricacy that has yet to be highly recognized.