Company: Fox Channels Italy
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Boxing
Year pf production: 2010
Director: Giacomo Frignani, Paolo Santolini
Editing: Alessio Doglione, Cristiano Travaglioli, Paolo Marzoni
Producer: Claudio Canepari per Fox Channels Italy
Time: 43 min
Screening: Friday 7th December 8.10 pm Sala Colonne


Fino all’ultimo round (The Last Round) is a 11×50’ series that documents the world of Italian boxing, thank to exclusive access granted to a film crew that followed Francesco Damiani, team manager of the Italian National Boxing Association, through the trials and selection of the new National team, whose challenges in the next few years included the 2011 World Championship and the 2012 London Olympics. And even though boxing isn’t considered a team sport, team spirit certainly imbues the boxers, living in a world made up of sacrifice, discipline, technique and dedication. Among the protagonists there are the Beijing Olympic medals Vincenzo Picardi Clemente Russo and Roberto Cammarelle.