Company: Kamchatka Extreme
Country: RUSSIA
Section: TV SHOWS
Discipline: Biathlon
Year pf production: 2012
Director: Andrey Dneprovsky
Editing: Dmitry Bylkov
Photography: Mikhail Moroz, Dmitry Bylkov, Anton Dneprovsky
Voice Off: Andrey Dneprovsky
Producer: Andrey Dneprovsky
Time: 37 min
Screening: Saturday 8th December 5.05 pm Sala Torre


Every year, stars of biathlon from all over the world come to Kamchatka to take part to the last biathlon event of the year: the Prize in memory of Vitaliy Fatyanov, the “Gazprom Cup”. The diary of images shows the best moments of this competition. Made specifically for the internet, it was braodcasted on a veriety of sport, goverment sites and Youtube.