Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Cycling

Year: 2016

Director: Antonio Ficarra

Voice Off: Ubaldo Pantani

Producer: Rai 2

Time: 62 min

Projection: Saturday 19 November  – 18.30 – Sala Colonne

Watch the trailer


Gino Bartali was surely a champions, but only few people knew that he was a hero too. Everyone remembered his climbing and his prestigious trophies along two tormented decades, characterized by a devastating war in which Gino, thanks to his courage, was a true protagonist. This is a documentary that allows people to know about the deeds of a silent hero, who constantly risked his life to save Jews and dissidents during the WW II and never wanted to talk about it. The direct experiences of people he saved are touching, as well as the memories of his children and his friends and the interviews to historians and journalists, told through sports coverage and vintage images; these voices and these faces, marked by time, contribute to create the story and to draw a complete and deep profile of the hero and champion. In addition to this,there are the images of the TV show dedicated to Bartali with interviews to the protagonist Pier Francesco Favino and to the director Alberto Negrin. It’s an important tribute not only to the beloved cyclist, but especially to the man, one of the greatest of the 20th Century.