Company: SVT – Sveriges Television

Country: SWEDEN


Discipline: Diving

Year: 2016

Director: Jens Lind

Editing: Mikael Ottergren Larsson

Photography: Per Frisell

Voice Off: Jens Lind

Producer: Jens Lind

Time: 58 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 20.20 – Sala Terrazzo

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In a time when society was very critical to female sports pioneers, Greta Johansson became Swedish champion in 100 meter freestyle and 10 meter platform diving in 1910. For the Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912, the Organizing Committee was firmly opposed to let women participate in swimming events. It was only through IOC pressure that Greta and her friends were allowed to compete. At the age of 17, Greta became the first woman in the world to win a gold medal in 10 meter platform diving and was the first woman in Sweden to win an Olympic gold medal. During the games she also met the man who will later be her husband, the diver Ernst Brandsten. In the USA they became the most successful coaches in the history of diving and stay head of the US Olympic team for almost 20 years.