Company: Cineport International Media

Country: I.R. IRAN

Section: MOVIES

Discipline: Shooting Wrestling

Director: Seyedeh Farzaneh Amini

Edting: Mehran Gonbadlou

Actors: Majid Vasheghani, Shabnam Gholikhani, Mahlagha Bagheri, Mohammad Shamaeian

Photo: Rasoul Khodabandeh Lou

Soundtrack: Alireza Kianersi

Producer: Mohammad Shamaeian, Nadia Ghavamipour

Co Producer: Seyedeh Farzaneh Amini

Running Time: 76 min


A woman is taking her final steps to enter Iran’s shooting “national team” for the world championship. She needs to take part in qualifying competitions, but her husband forbids her to compete according to Country’s Constitution. The spouse’s permission to compete as professionals is the major challenge of the female athletes.