Company: Studio Vib-film

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Gymnastics

Year: 2016

Director: Sergey Bosenko

Editing: Ekaterina Azanova

Photography: Konstantin Miromanov

Soundtrack: Ekaterina Komalkova

Producer: Vladimir Golikov, Petr Tsanava

Coproducer: Evgeny Bogatyrev

Time: 40 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 18.25 – Sala Donzelli

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The sport life and the fate of Alexander Moskalenko, the most titled jumper on the trampoline in the world winning 14 the gold medals in the world championships. In 2000 at the Sydney Olympic Games, he won his first Olympic gold medal at the age of 31. Who could think then that four years later Alexander, nicknamed “dinosaur”, would arrive not only as a simple participants at the Athens Olympic Games.