Company: Federal State Unitary Enterprise, The Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting, Company Film Company Masterskaya
Country: RUSSIA 2018
Discipline: Rhytmic Gymnastics
Director: Alexander Smirnov
Editing: Vadim Chernoshtan
Photo: Evgeniy Romanov
Soundtrack: Audio Network Limited
Producer: Saida Medvedeva
CoProducer: Maria Finkelshtain
Time: 53 min
“The queen of sports” — that’s how the trainees call Irina Viner. She’s an outstanding coach, a beautiful and strong woman. All her life has been about overcoming. And she taught her pupils, the Olympic champions Mina Kabaeva, Yana Kudryavtseva, Margarita Mamun to overcome themselves. Irina Viner can’t imagine her life out of the gym. She repeats that talent needs to be worked off, and believes that rhythmic gymnastics is not a sport — it’s art.