Projection: Monday 8th December – 3.00 pm – Sala Donzelli
Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
Country: ITALY
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Alpinism
Year: 2013
Director: Robert Dornhelm
Actors: Marco Bocci, Giuseppe Cederna, Massimo Poggio
Producer: RAI – RAI Fiction
CoProducer: Red Film, Terra Internatinale Filmproduktionen
Time: 100 min


1954. Compagnoni, Lacedelli, Bonatti, Puchoz and other eight climbers are attempting to climb the most dangerous mountain on Earth, to reach the peak nobody ever made it to conquer. The leader of the expedition is Professor Ardito Desio, the one who found petroleum in Lybia. It  is the story of twelve climber, twelve different ways of living the mountains, but with one dream: to become the first ever to conquer the top of K2. Twelve men required to group together in a perfectly working team, to face this unbelievable undertaking. Twelve strong personalities, inevitably destinied to be in conflict, ready to risk their lives and to deal first with themselves and then with that mountain, which seems endless.