Company: Festagent

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Ballroom Dance

Year: 2016

Director: Guy Sadot

Editing: Amit Friedlander

Actors: Maxim Kozhevnikov,  Anastasia Grigoreva

Photography: Guy Sadot, Amit  Friedlander, Matan  Tamarkin, Kevin Kwok,Wrascall Drexler

Soundtrack: Erez Keynan

Producer: Maxim Kozhevnikov

Time: 55 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 15.30 – Sala Donzelli

Watch the trailer


A glimpse into the creative, crazy and inspiring mind of Maxim Kozhevnikov, a five times professional world champion in ballroom. A long journey from concept to the stage, passing through modern art galleries in Las Vegas, recording studio in New York, Israeli dance club and Maxim’s parent’s kitchen in Russia. It is a cinematic mosaic comprised of Maxim’s work, colleagues and teachers, friends and family members to the discovery of the world behind the fantastic dance world life. Should the artist be more talented or more determined? How Dance Artist re-invented the world of dance?