Company: Lymbus

Country: SPAIN


Discipline: Climbing

Year: 2015

Director: Sébastien Montaz – Rosset

Editing: Sébastien Montaz – Rosset

Photography: Sébastien Montaz – Rosset

Producer: Lymbus

Time: 52 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 20.00 – Sala Parlamentino

Watch the trailer


In April 2015 ski mountaineer Kilian Jornet is preparing for an expedition to Everest as part of his Projectionect ‘Summits of My Life’, together with the alpinist Jordi Tosas and the filmmaker Sébastien Montaz-Rosset. Two days before the departure, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Nepal with devastating effect and the beloved Langtang Valley is all but eradicated. After having to cancel their expedition, Kilian Jornet and his team decide to continue with their trip with a change of goal: offer some help to people devastated by the catastrophic earthquake.