Company: Production "Centre" Dynamo
Country: RUSSIA
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2018
Director: Svetlana Krapivina
Editing: Evgeny Bogatyrev
Producer: Mikhail Tyurkin, Vladimir Golikov
Time: 70 min



An extraordinary personality of world football. Number one in twentieth century and  soviet goalkeeper: it’s Lev Yashin. Moscow worker and soldier, he always played wearing a sweater with the letter “D” on his chest and an old cap. Cold-blooded and fantastic goalkeeper, he conquered millions of fans thanks to his passion for the game and his compassionate soul. The documentary means to unveil the leggedary goalkeeper and thos who take the field along with him, with the help of the students of the “Dynamo Football Academy” that is named after him, old fans and, of course, his wife Valentina Yashinа.