Friday 12th November at 12.45 – online

Calcio / Soccer

ContrAtaque Produções

BRAZIL 2019, 24 min

Director/Regista: Lucio Branco

Editing/Montaggio: Claudio Tammela

Actors/Attori: Nei Conceição

Photos/Foto: Lucio Branco/Luis Dantas

Soundtrack/Colonna Sonora: Marcos Thanus

Voice Off/Voce Narrante: Nei Conceição

Producer/Produttore: contrAtaque Produções

The legendary football star Nei Conceição focuses on his aphorisms in which there are lots of accurate puns, a unique vision and his clear clairvoyance, that proves that his Genius transcends the four lines of the pitch. Under the motto of resistance against the offside as an opposite symbol to his concept of football and life, Nei concludes with the only possible truism that matters: “The secret is to go for it!”