Sunday 14th November at 3.50 am – Fondazione Riccardo Catella – ground floor
Atletica – Tuffi / Athletics – Diving
Discovery Networks Sweden
SWEDEN 2019/2020, 43 min
Director/Regista: Jonas Karlsson
Editing/Montaggio: Anders Bewarp
Photos/Foto: Dan Svensson, Johan Nordquist
Voice Off/Voce Narrante: Jonas Karlsson
Producer/Produttore: Jonas Karlsson
CoProducer/CoProduttore: Anders Bewarp, John Witt
Hassiba Boulmerka and greg Louganis are two Olympic champions that became role models for millions. Frequently criticized and harassed by fundamentalist, Hassiba Boulmerkas stood up for her belief even though she received death threats and had stones thrown at her while training. Greg Louganis is one of the most decorated divers in history with multiple secrets. An accident with the spring board at the 1988 Olympics made people know he was HIV-positive.