Company: Pierre Malleret
Country: FRANCE
Discipline: Cycling
Year: 2017
Director: Pierre Malleret
Editing: Pierre Malleret
Actors: Pierre Malleret
Soundtrack: Pierre Malleret
Producer: Pierre Malleret
Time: 27 min



While pedaling across the Uyuni Salt Flats, he heard the sound of the salt, cracking beneath the bike wheels. After finishing a pass, the wind whistled through the hood of the jacket, as he flew downhill. On the winding, desert tracks of South Lipez, bags gently tapped against the bike. In some moments, the music in the headphones amplified the joy of simply moving forward. But when he stopped for a pause, in the high altitudes of the Andes, a wave of pure silence, and the sensation of feeling all alone in the world overcame him.