Country: FRANCE
Discipline: Various Sports
Year: 2011-2012
Director: Manuel Herrero
Producer: Bonne Pioche Télévision (Caroline Broussaud), Canal+, Red Bull Media House y Sylicone
Time: 75 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 8:20 pm – Sala Torre



Everywhere, people play sports. They play to get together, to entertain, to test their limits and go beyond them, to achieve excellence. It is one of the few things that connects every person on the planet. From the most obscure, unheard of sport to the most broadcast, from the dry plateaus of Ethiopia to stadiums pulsing with cheering fans, “Play” travels to the heart of this universal activity that transcends barriers of class, cultures, and even time. Conceived as an “opera” film, it renders homage to the vast array of sports played all around world and depicts mankind as portrayed by the sports played as a universal pastime. A spectacular story of our diversity, but also of what binds us together.