Company: Westdeutscher Rundfunk Germany (WDR)

Country: GERMANY

Section: MOVIES

Discipline: Gambling

Year: 2016

Director: Philipp Kadelbach

Editing: Jakub Bejnarowicz

Actors: Tom Schilling, Edin Hasanovic, Britta Hammelstein

Soundtrack: Michael Kadelbach

Producer: Nina Klamroth

Coproducer: Benjamin Benedict, Christine Strobel

Time: 90 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 15.00 – Sala Terrazzo

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Klaus Roth is being sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate the inner circles of the Serbian sport gambling mafia. His boss – Lieutenant Frank Dudek, the head of secret investigation – has his eyes on the mastermind Atco Goric, who isn’t only involved in illegal gambling, but in every gamut of organized crime. Exceeding Dudek’s expectations, Roth quickly manages to ingratiate himself with Goric’s youngest nephew Luka Moravac and be part of Goric’s family. Things seem to be going well for Roth, until the situation unexpectedly gets out of hand, when there’s a clash with a Turkish mafia clan. Will Roth be able to procure sufficient evidence to convict Goric? His friendship with Luka has become more important to him than Roth would admit and he doesn’t realize that his life is in great danger…