Company: M&M Films Services
Country: FRANCE
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Ice Skating
Year: 2012
Director: Vianney Etossé
Editing: Yannick Grassi
Photography: Olivier Landry
Soundtrack: Guillaume Pomares
Actors: Florent Amodio, Xavier de Guillebon, Marie Béraud, Jean Corso
Producer: Nadège Marti
Time: 26 min
Projection: Saturday 7 December – 4:30 pm – Sala Colonne



Between his figure skating trainer who has devoted all of his time to him, a father far too present who hopes to see his son follow in his footsteps, and his love story with Maïa, the pressure is mounting for Gauthier.Torn between all of these obligations, how and at what price will he emancipate himself and find his own place?