Company: Leevandia Entertainment
Country: RUSSIA
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Martial Arts – Sambo
Year: 2012
Director: Georgiy Shengeliya
Producer: Victor Antonov
Time: 108 min
Projection: Thursday 5 December – 3:00 pm – Sala Terrazzo



Costantine Karetov, a young boy from a working family, devotes all his spare time to self-defence hoping to achieve a University title in Sports. His sports passion meets his mother’s resistance as she considers sport just a hobby and thinks that her son should dedicate his time in studying, working and supporting family. Costantine doesn’t let himself be influenced by his mother, who had a painful experience with sport when she was young, because a true sportsman gives everything in order to achieve his goal. The boy is supported by his coach who his, for him, like the father he had lost. Things get more complicated when Costantine’s mother is taken to the emergency room and must undergo an expensive surgery. Sport shapes the character: a serious test for Costantine’s character.