Projection: Friday 5th December – 4.00 pm – Sala Expo
Company: Nektar Films
Country: URUGUAY
Discipline: Decathlon
Year: 2011
Director: Veronica Pamoukaghlian
Editing: Veronica Pamoukaghlian
Photo: Hugo Díaz
Soundtrack: Tito Losavio, Eli-u Pena, Nico Ibarburu
Actors: Raúl López Barrera
Producer: Gonzalo Rocha, Vistaurbana, Néktar, Uruguay
CoProducer: Lamu Films (US)
Time: 90 min


Raúl is 75 years old. He lives in Montevideo, in a little white house with his 37 year old wife Susana and his 5 year old daughter Sofia. Both Raúl and Susana work long hours as personal trainers. Raúl also has other occupations such as training a professional rugby team, playing the guitar, and even fixing an old automobile. In his spare time, Raúl trains for the decathlon. While competing in the world championship in Finland, he is close to getting the gold medal when an unexpected injury threatens to shatter all his dreams.