Company: Rubin TV
Country: RUSSIA
Discipline: Soccer
Year of production: 2014
Director: Aleksey Kondratenko
Editing: Dmitriy Tarhanov
Actors: Roman Sheptinskiy Rinat Bilyaletdinov
Photography: Poman Kulesh, Dmitriy Tarhanov
Soundtrack: Vladimir Eropov
Producer: Aleksandr Bogachev
Time: 13 min


A film dedicated to the mysterious leader of F.C. “Rubin” Kazan Gökdeniz Karadeniz and to his family. The Turkish footballer has been playing in Kazan for seven years, becoming one of the symbols of F.C. “Rubin” and the face of the Russian Premier League, leaving a trace in the hearts of millions of fans bringing the first national title in history to the team.