Company: Ostrov Studio

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Winter Olimpic Games

Year: 2015

Director: Sergey Miroshnichenko

Editing: Pavel Lapshin, Arthur Anayan, Dmitry Semibratov

Photography: Yuri Ermolin, Alexander Filippov, Viacheslav Sachkov, Dmitry Minenkov, Ruslan Gerasimenkov, Anatoliy Petriga, Denis Smirnov, Irina Uralskaya, Sasha Khokhlov, Nikolai Volkov, Kirill Moshkovich, Anton Safronov, Aleksey Grebenkov, Artem Anisimov, Grigory Apa

Soundtrack: Ilya Demutsky

Producer: Sergey Miroshnichenko

Time: 191 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 18.30 – Sala Colonne

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Pain, fear, desire, joy of victory and bitterness of defeat: the Official Film of the Sochi Olympic Games gives the greatest world champions a human face. Gripping shots taken during the events alternative with interviews of worldwide legends in winter sports, who express their thoughts on the role of sportsmen and women in the modern world. They also talk about the malefemale balance, which is evolving as much in sports as it is in Society.