Company: Gorilla film

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Various Sports

Year: 2016

Director: Marcello Pastonesi

Editing: Marcello Pastonesi

Photography: Marcello Pastonesi

Soundtrack: aavv

Voice Off: Marcello Pastonesi

Producer: Marcello Pastonesi

Coproducer: Piergiorgio Pastonesi

Time: 25 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 15.00 – Sala Donzelli

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It’s the second most populated city of Brazil, the sixth one of the Americas, the first one for tourism. It’s the city of Sugarloaf Mountain and Christ Redeemer located on the Corcovado but also of the most famous carnival and music that pumps everywhere. Unfortunately it is also a place where violence blows up suddenly. All of this is Rio de Janeiro called “cidade maravilhosa”, amazing city a never ending summer town. In August Rio has been the Olympic city, the first one in South America. Rio could always be considered an Olympic city because  sport is a constant, an escape, a way of  freedom  and happiness.