Company: AMC2 Productions

Country: FRANCE


Discipline: Roller Derby

Year: 2015

Director: Laetitia Rodari

Editing: Marie Estelle Dieterle

Photography: Robin Montrau, Thomas Roussillon

Soundtrack: Guillaume Labussière

Producer: AMC2 Productions

Coproducer: Morgane Production

Time: 53 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 17.15 – Sala Mostre

Watch the trailer


The world of roller derby is booming. The preselections to enter Team France, the national team that represent France at the 2014 World Cup in Dallas, have started. Players from all around France tried their luck. The 40 preselected girls trained for a year and only 20 of them took up the challenge to the next level in playing at the world cup. One year of meetings, friendships, sacrifice and roller derby above all.  They outdid themselves, stuck together and bit the bullet. They overcame their doubts and their effort to be up to their team and for the recognition of their sport, but also and mainly, to meet their own expectancies.