Company: Projectionector Ltd



Discipline: Weightlifting

Year: 2015

Director: Borislav Kolev

Editing: Miroslav Gaidoshik

Actors: Angel Genchev

Producer: Projectionector Ltd

Coproducer: SP Supreme Production GmbH – Germany

Time: 90 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 15.55 – Sala Terrazzo

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1988, Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea. The weightlifter Angel Guenchev wins the gold medal in the 67,5 kg category. Stronger than his opponent by far, he astonishingly breaks the world record doing a spectacular back flip which became the Official symbol of the Games. Media proclaim Angel Guenchev a “hero of the Seoul Games”. A mere day after his triumph, the champion – widely considered one of the biggest talents in the history of weightlifting – wakes up in the epicenter of a devastating doping scandal. And this is only the beginning of Angel’s journey through hell and back.