Company: Milano Baseball 1946 Asd

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Baseball

Year: 2016

Director: Gianluca Aiazzi, Alberto Fanelli

Editing: Gianluca Aiazzi, Alberto Fanelli

Actors: Gianluca Aiazzi

Photography: Alberto Fanelli

Producer: Gianluca Aiazzi

Coproducer: Alberto Fanelli

Time: 3 min

Projection: Saturday 19 November  – 17.00 – Sala Terrazzo

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The aim of the video is the promotion of baseball and of the Sport Association MILANO “Milano Baseball 1946 A.S.D.”. In particular are underlined the emotions and the feelings that this sport evokes through the visions and dreams of a baseball lover (maybe a supporter) in contrast with the hustle of a modern city like Milano.