Company: Dynamo Production Centre & Vib Film Company

Country: RUSSIA


Discipline: Ice Hockey

Year: 2017

Director: Georgy Sushko

Editing: Evgeny Bogatyrev

Soundtrack: Ekaterina Komalkova

Producer: Mikhail Tyurkin, Vladimir Golikov

Time: 55 min



More than a quarter of the century the sports doctor Valery Konov successfully works in hockey club Moscow “Dynamo” with national team. Many times doctor Konov made what it would seem impossible on ice, on a bench, in a locker room, saving players and team. Live legends of the Russian hockey talk about this unique person: Alexander Ovechkin, Pavel Bure, Vitaly Davydov, Vladimir Yurzinov, Andrey Nikolishin, Igor Tuz, but also popular actors of series “Youth team” Andrey Merzlikin and Denis Nikiforov and other patients of Valery Konov, to whom he gave a piece of heart.