Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Olympic Games

Year: 2016

Director: Andrea Doretti

Photography: Stefano Sandoli

Producer: Standbyme Produzioni, Rai

Coproducer: Rai Tre, Standbyme Produzioni

Time: 56 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 17.00 – Sala Donzelli

Watch the trailer


“I’ve never competed against another athlete. I always compete against myself”, said Dick Fosbury, the American high jump champion who changed the athletics’ history with the invention of the way of jumping everyone knows nowadays.  The report starts with Dick Fosbury who leads us from a small town in Oregon to the revolutionary Olympic Games in Mexico 1968. Fosbury’s portrait was not only profiled by himself, but there were also the experiences of Sara Simeoni, unforgettable Italian high jump champion, and the words of Giacomo Crosa, Fosbury’s opponent during the Mexican final. The documentary tells about the amazing story of the Italian fencers in London 2012 Valentina Vezzali, Arianna Errigo and Elisa Di Francisca: friends, enemies, teammates, opponents. The interior antagonist is the main thematic of Edwin Moses’ stories, the champion who had to run just against himself because he had beaten all his opponents, of the rivalry between Marie-José Perec and Cathy Freeman in Sydney 2000 and of the duel between Roberto Di Donna and Yifu Wang in Atlanta 1996: Di Donna reminds every moment of that tense challenge until the last shot to the conquer of the gold medal.