Company: RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana

Country: ITALY


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2015

Director: Andrea Doretti

Photography: Raffaello Imparato

Producer: Simona Ercolani

Time: 43 min

Projection: Sunday 20 November  – 18.35 – Sala Donzelli

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Dino Zoff  is one of the most important and representative Italian footballer not only for his great blocks. He played four FIFA World Cup, winning the trophy in 1982 when he was more than 40 years old; as a young and novice goalkeeper, he won the European Cup in 1968. As Italy head coach during the 2000 European Cup, we recall Francesco Toldo’s blocks. We can’t forget his dark moments, like when he conceded goals during the 1978 FIFA World Cup, leading Italy to the defeat, and his rising, like the famous block against Brazil in the last minute, that paved the way to the conquer of the World Cup. These moments will be remembered by Dino Zoff and his teammates Claudio Gentile, Antonello Cuccureddu, Antonio Cabrini, Franco Causio and by the commentator Bruno Pizzul, who was born in Friuli like him and his long standing friend. This is an intimate portrait of a wise, well – balanced and always coherent-with-himself man: he’s beyond doubt one of the best goalkeepers of the story of modern soccer.