Company: Cinemateli

Country: MEXICO


Discipline: Soccer

Year: 2014

Director: Gaspar Noé, Vincent Gallo, Carlos Reygadas, Luca Lucini, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Doris Dörrie, Duane Hopkins

Editing: Felipe Cordero, Gabriel R. de la Mora, Thomas Fernandez, Felipe Gomez, Francesco Piccoli

Photography: Simon Bauer, Juan José Saravia, Emmanuel Trousse

Producer: Cinemateli

Coproducer: GB, Arte Mecánica, Ítaca Films

Time: 110 min

Projection: Friday 18 November  – 20.00 – Sala Colonne

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Football seen through the eyes of one of the world’s best filmmakers, powerful and emotional stories filmed in different countries. Some of the directors in this Projectionect are: Gaspar Noé, Vincent Gallo, Carlos Reygadas, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Karim Aïnouz, Duane Hopkins. 31 short films between 3 and 5 minutes long that are connected to football trough powerful, emotional stories of people around the world each developing a particular aspect of the game of football.