Company: Immagina Srl
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2018
Director: Vanni Vallino
Editing: Andrea Piva
Actors: Neri Marcoré
Photos: Stefano Martini
Soundtrack: Toni Malco
Producer: Archivio Silvio Piola
Time: 9 min



Short video on the song that Toni Malco dedicated to Silvio Piola combining the sports part of the champion to that of a positive and coherent man who loves life. The common thread is the relationship between a boy who loves soccer and an adult man (Neri Marcorè) who loves fishing. A guiding light that allows to face, in few minutes, many themes closed to the champion: soccer as lifestyle, friendship, a good diet, game for all, also for people with disabilities, etc. Through the young protagonist (the true Silvio Piola’s grandnephew) young people need to be able to identify themselves in a positive and complete picture of values for their growth not only physical but also psychological.