Company: Associazione Percorso della Memoria Rossoblu
Country: ITALY
Discipline: Soccer
Year: 2018
Director: Orfeo Orlando
Editing: Mattia Biancucci
Actors: Giorgio Comaschi, Bob Messini, Filippo Marchi, Emanuele Marchesini, Leonardo Galotto, Luca Comastri, Luca Mazzamurro, Barbara Boldri, Jack Gallo, Bruno Tabarroni, Marco Masetti, Massimo Bianconi, Dante Monari, Cristian Frabboni, Lamberto Bertozzi.
Photo: Simone Gambelli
Soundtrack: Daniele Furlati
Producer: Barbylando Production
CoProducer: Genoma Films Production
Time: 43 min 


It is a film about the true story of Cesare Alberti, talented footballer of the twenties. A novel, a mystery never solved. Born in 1904, it was a young promise of the pioneers’ football, debuting at the age of 16 in the Bologna team. He immediately proved to be outstanding, scoring 32 goals in 45 games, but he suffered the break of the meniscus at the age of 18. The intense story and the brief and tragic human, sporty and sentimental parable of Cesare Alberti, great footballer who wore the shirt of Bologna and then that of Genoa in the 20s of the last century.