Company: Jako

Country: GEORGIA


Discipline: Various Sports

Year: 2016

Director: Giorgi Toradze

Editing: Giorgi Jagiashvili

Photography: Temur Sulaberidze

Soundtrack: Vaja Azarashvili

Voice Off: Tengiz Tkhilava

Producer: Giorgi Toradze

Time: 26 min

Projection: Thursday 17 November  – 19.50 – Sala Mostre

Watch the trailer


The well-known sports commentator and sports journalist Jamlet Khukhashvili set a Guinness World Record for having half a century of experience as a sports commentator. On April 13th 2014 he celebrated his 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary as a sports commentator at the Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre of Georgia. The documentary tells about Jamlet’s life thanks to black and white photos of Tblisi, a gorgeous mix of architecture, culture and religions in which Orthodox Christians, Jewish and Muslims live together. The journey into his life continues with memories of his family and with images that show his job as sport commentator and as founder of sports radio Jako.