Projection: Friday 5th December – 4.35 pm – Sala Donzelli
Company: Ambition Movie Corporation
Country: TAIWAN
Section: MOVIES
Discipline: Tug of war
Year: 2013
Director: Chang Po-Jui
Editing: Hsiao Ju-Kuan
Photo: Shi Cheng, Liang Jia-sheng
Soundtrack: Fred Lui
Actors: Kuo Shu-Yau, Chuang Kai-Hsun, Pink Yang
Producer: Dennis Wu, Lien Hsin-Feng, Hemingway Chiu, Lin Shen-Kuo
Time: 125 min


Chu-Ying’s brilliant performance in sport wins her a place in a prestigious girls’ high school in Taipei, she decides to leave her home in the countryside. Her  story is familiar to her tug-of-war teammates since most of them come from single-parent families or disadvantaged backgrounds. The lack of economic support from their families makes them even more determined to achieve their goal. When Chun-Ying is admitted to the school, she knows nothing about tug-of-war. Trained strictly by coach Kuo and supported by the tender and encouraging Ms Wu, the girls take on the physical challenge, the frustration and the prejudice against sport from other students and some teachers. In the end, their sweat and tears pay off when they win the gold medal at the World Indoor Tug-of-war Championship.