Company: Morefree
Country: P.R. Of CHINA
Discipline: Basketball
Year: 2016
Director: Morefree-You Wu, Xiaoming Liu
Editing: Xiaoming Liu, Liang Lv
Actors: Morefree-You wu, Iso-Qiang Zhao, Saiyuan Bian, Zhiqiang Hu, Tracy Lu-Chao Lu, Channing Cheng-Chi Cheng, Chris Jiang-Bo Jiang, Songda Cheng
Photo: Han Yuwen, Zheng Daqian
Soundtrack: Xiaoming Liu
Voice Off: Morefree-You Wu
Producer: Morefree-You Wu
CoProducer: Xiaoming Liu
Time: 30 min




September 2016, famous streetball player Morefree decided to go to USA for more challenges and chasing dream with his team RPZ, a team which just won the title of China Streetball tournament. What will happen when Chinese and American streetball collide, and what inspiration they got from all the games they played?