Sports discipline:  Winter Sports

Production company: Camera di Commercio di Treviso – Belluno | Dolomiti

ITALY 2020, 4 min

Director: Luca Pinzi

Editing: Daniele Conti

Photos: Alen Basic

Soundtrack: Winning Combination

Voice Off/: Tony White Agenzia Global Lingo London Italian version Milk Studios

Producer: Treviso Film Commission

CoProducer: Camera di Commercio di Treviso _ Belluno |Dolomiti


The focus is on the leading brands of the sports system and eyewear. It proposes new business models that through the Piazza Italia digital ecosystem of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce in NY, the collaboration with ICCY and ITKAM expresses the desire for an international economy for companies in view of the Milan – Cortina Olympic Games 2026.