Company: deMensen

Country: BELGIUM


Discipline: Cyclo-cross

Year: 2015

Director: Jan Vandermotte

Editing: Luc Baeyens, Ruben Beunckens

Actors: Sven Nys

Photography: Norman Baert

Producer: Gilles Simonet

Coproducer: Gardner and Domm

Time: 98 min

Projection: Wednesday 16 November  – 20.00 – Sala Terrazzo

Watch the trailer


Sven Nys has been a professional cyclist competing in cyclo-cross for 18 years. He is a control freak who takes care of every detail and spends his life eating, resting and riding his bike. Following Nys for a whole year and it gives us the chance to be witnesses of his lifestyle and of his personal discipline. Thanks to these unique images we can appreciate the life of a real sport champion.