Company: NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation in Association with NHK Educational

Country: JAPAN


Discipline: Surf

Director: Hiromizu Tanaka

Edting: Mariko Masuda

Photo: Takaya Yamada, Humberto Santos

Soundtrack: Kyo Ichinose

Producer: Kuniaki Tsuruya, Tadashi Minezoe, Kenichi Kubo

Running Time: 50 min


You’ve never seen waves like these. The world record for the “biggest successful surf” is at 24m, the height of an 8-story building. Success means accolades; failure could spell fatal injury. Daredevil professional surfers from around the world gather in Nazare, Portugal, to challenge its monster waves. What drives them on? The program follows the adventurers, featuring awesome images from cameras attached to the surfers and their surfboards. How will this season turn out? Will a new hero or heroine emerge?