Projection: Sunday 7th December – 4.25 pm – Sala Donzelli
Company: HelliVentures Filmproduktion GmbH
Country: GERMANY
Discipline: Caving
Year: 2013
Director: Niko Jäger
Editing: Robert Vakily
Photo: Scott Simper, Neil Silverwood
Actors: K. Mckay, M. Hopkinson, T. Watson, A. Gillespie, B. Footer, P. Rees, T. Shaw, N. Silverwood, M. Thomas
Producer: HelliVentures Filmproduktion GmbH: J. Hellinger, J. von Kirschbaum
CoProducer: Red Bull Media House: W. Merkel, D. Strobl, S. Hoeren
Time: 52 min


Deep underground in the wilderness of New Zealand, gigantic and largely unexplored cave systems attract adventurers and cavers from around the globe. Kieran McKay, one of the most accomplished cavers in the southern hemisphere, and his team set out on an almost impossible journey to find a connection between two cave systems. If they track down the link between the Nettlebed and Stormy Pot systems, roughly 80 missing metres, they could claim credit for having found the deepest cave in the southern hemisphere. 80m can become a mind-boggling odyssey.